Digital Input X0-X177 Octal System Example X0 To X7 X20 to X27 Digital Output Y0-Y177 Octal System Example Y0 To Y7 Y20 to Y27 Integer D0 - word 16 bit
input- Local:5:O.Data.4 Output- Local:4:I.Data.4 Local -indicates the controller or network 1 4- module slot in the rack I or O -indicates the bit is an input Or Output Data - indicates the type of data (this is the default for I/O) 4 -indicates that the bit is 4th input on the card (the bits start with 0). Boolean - BOOL - 1 Bit Integer - INT - 16 Bit Double Integer - DINT -32 Bit Real Number - Real - 32 Bit
Bit - 1bit Byte -8bit Word -16 bit Duble word -32bit Quad word or L word -64 bit Memory with data type Bit- Bool Word- integer Real or float Double word- double integer
Physical address Di-%I.0.0 Do-%Q0.0 Ai-%IW0 Ao-%QW0 MEMORY ADDRESS %M- bit- 1 bit %MW- word -16 bit %MD- double word - 32 bit SYSTEM ADDRESS %S- bit %SW- word Example Bit %M0 Word %MW0 DOUBLE WORD %MD0